Mijn missie was en is nog steeds om door middel van kunst bij te dragen aan het welzijn van de samenleving, zowel zakelijk als privé. Daarbij werk ik vaak voor goede doelen en mensen die volgens mij steun verdienen.
My mission was and still is to contribute to well-being through art of society, both business and private, where I often work for charities and people who I think deserve support.
Kunst verbindt -ART CONNECTS-Creatieve ontmoetingen van Culturen
Art connects Creative Meetings of Cultures
Het idee dat kunst kan helpen bij de integratie van vluchtelingen is zeer waardevol. Kunst biedt niet alleen een manier om te communiceren en verhalen te delen, maar kan ook een gevoel van gemeenschap en verbondenheid creëren. Door middel van kunst kunnen vluchtelingen hun ervaringen uitdrukken, hun cultuur delen en verbinding maken met anderen, wat hun integratie in de nieuwe omgeving kan vergemakkelijken.
Initiatieven zoals kunstworkshops, tentoonstellingen en culturele evenementen kunnen een platform bieden voor vluchtelingen om hun stem te laten horen en deel uit te maken van de samenleving. Dit kan leiden tot een grotere acceptatie en begrip tussen verschillende culturen.
The idea that art can help refugees integrate is very valuable. Art not only provides a way to communicate and share stories, but can also create a sense of community and belonging. Through art, refugees can express their experiences, share their culture and connect with others, which can facilitate their integration into their new environment.
Initiatives such as art workshops, exhibitions and cultural events can provide a platform for refugees to make their voices heard and be part of society.
This can lead to greater acceptance and understanding between different cultures
Art for Caring-Coaching artists
Art for Caring is dedicated to coaching artists to become a living by running a creative business. My approach is to empower people their art business and themselves .
Art for a better life of abused children
Together with friend Christian Porzia we collected the money by selling Art required for a better life of the streetchildren in Pokhara who were abused in Nepal and India.
The organization of Art events in The Netherlands and Tanzania
Selling Art with the aim of building houses of the revenue for children in Tanzania who were orphaned because their parents died of AIDS.
It was a co-operation with Future for children and EOTF
with Mdm Makaba president's wife of Tanzania. EOTF is a parent organization of the Kibaha Children's Village Centre. It is a Tanzanian registered, non-governmental, charitable organization.
Art exhibitions in The Netherlands for the good cause of projects in Tanzania and Gambia
A group of Gambian artist who followed his marketing course for Artist in the Kombo Hotel in Kotu. Objective : selling art for the building schools for Children in the Gambia.
40 paintings were made after listening to the story told by his artist friend Christian Porzia.
Christian wrote music based upon the written story of the dead of his brother.
A videoclip was created in which the 40 paintings were integrated.Each sentence of the song represented a painting so that the message became stronger.
Profit of the videoclip,CD and the art selling went to a good cause.
For more information please contact me via contact & questbook or via fB Art of Caring for Refugees